Forsta Responsive Survey Rendering V1 documentation
What is it?
It's new rendering engine for surveys producing responsive markup. It means that there is no need in smartphone rendering mode - same survey page works nicely on any device.
New markup uses div's, not tables as it was before. To make markup responsive we use media-queries and CSS3 flexbox.
Responsive rendering created to be highly configurable and customizable - starting from custom colors and css to full override of Forsta markup.
Question types and features lists currently supported by the Responsive Rendering could be found here.
How to start using
Just pick a responsive survey layout.
You are ready to go!
Key concepts
Basic customizations via style bundles
Handy client-side scripting via JavaScript API
Launch validation
Survey launch performs validation of all question types and features used in a survey - in case of using something not supported yet you'll get a launch error.
Browser support
Responsive rendering works in IE11, EDGE, Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Further reading
How to do styling
How to do scripting
Client-side API reference
Style and code snippets
What's changed in survey layouts
Rendering versioning
Style bundles