What's changed in survey layouts
Generally survey layouts continue to work as before. Themes are used to customize overall survey page look and feel, Question skins - for question level customizations. Few features has been removed.
Rendering version
When creating new responsive layout pay attention to "Rendering version" property. In most cases please select particular version (not "latest" option in the dropdown). "latest" mean that new rendering versions will be automatically used by this layout. Since new versions are likely to have breaking changes - you would have to adopt to it as soon as possible.
New in survey layouts
- Style bundles on a theme level
- Question skin has property "disable default rendering" - in that case survey page wont have markup for that question, only client side model.
- Ability to remove 'Question Form Inputs' from skin and still being able to submit data to server via client-side API.
Removed from survey layouts
- Page layouts
- Html styles
- Theme and skin element properties
- Continue link
- Page error area